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Savvas Papamakarios

PhD Student


+ 30 2810391280


A Bit About Me

Savvas is currently a Ph.D. student under the supervision of Dr.Maria Farsari. He received his bachelor's degree in the Physics Department of the University of Athens in 2021, focusing on computational electrodynamics using Finite Different Time Domain (FDTD) method for the study of metamaterials under the supervision of Prof. Kosmas Tsakmakidis. He received his Master's degree “In Photonics and Nanoelectronics” in 2023. He joined the research group of Dr. Maria Farsari at FORTH/IESL in 2022, focusing on the development and fabrication of electromagnetic metamaterials using FDTD and Multiphoton Polymerization, as well as in metallization research under the supervision of Dr. Maria Farsari and Prof. Maria Kafesaki. He was awarded an ΑΔΜΗΕ scholarship from Greece for the development of a metasurface for energy harvesting in solar cells, for the best idea in Energy and Environment issues.


  • Additive manufacturing

  • Laser-based 3D printing

  • 1 photon & Multiphoton polymerization

  • Metasurfaces and Metamaterials

  • Computational electrodynamics 


  • Master's student Fellowship from IPTO – Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO) Award for best proposal for "Energy and Environment" issues

  • Prize for the best postgraduate thesis in the ‘Hellenic Society for the Science and Technology of Condensed Matter – HSSTCM,

Work Experience



2023 - present

 BSc, Department of Physics, University of Athens, Greece

MSc, Department of Physics, University of Crete

PhD Student, Non Linear Lithography group, IESL/FORTH

Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas

Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser 
N.Plastira 100 , Vasilika Vouton
GR-711 10
Heraklion, Crete, Greece

+30 2810 391342

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