Research group

A Bit About Me
Dr. Maria Manousidaki is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow at FORTH/IESL, holding senior roles in two esteemed research groups: the Non-linear Lithography (NLL) group and the Ultrashort Nonlinear Laser Interactions and Sources (UNIS) research group, where she has been an integral member since 2011. Maria received her Ph.D. degree from the Department of Materials Science and Technology of the University of Crete, in 2019. She received her Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the Physics department of the University of Crete. Her diverse scientific interests span a range of cutting-edge areas, including femtosecond laser Non-linear Lithography, Advanced Holographic light shaping for 3D micro-engineering of materials, Laser beam shaping of Exotic beams, Additive Manufacturing, Parallel processing, Photonic crystal (Bio)sensors, Micro-engineered Photo-catalysts, and THz Metamaterials. Maria Manousidaki has 312 citations and has participated writing a book chapter of Springer with title Direct fs Laser Writing of 3D Nanostructures.
Light-based Additive Manufacturing
Advanced Holographic 3D Printing
Laser beam Shaping and Tailoring using Spatial Light Modulators (SLM)
Multiphoton Lithography
Photonics & Metamaterials
2017-19: State Scholarship Foundation (IKY), ESPA 2014-2020, (GN:017-050-0504-10113)
2017: ELIDEK Hellenic Foundation For Research and Innovation, Government of Greece, (GN:4697)
Work Experience
2020 - present
B.Sc., Department of Physics - University of Crete, Greece
M.Sc, Department of Physics - University of Crete, Greece
PhD, Department of Materials Science & Technology - University of Crete, Greece
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Texas A&M University - Qatar
Post-Doc Researcher – IESL/FORTH